For those who read my articles on a regular basis, know that I try to tell it like it is. And my opinion is this. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris are in the race because they're black. No other reason. They were picked cause they play the part of a good boy and girl who play the white party line.
Cory hasn't been able to go over 2-3%, and Kamala had her 15 minutes of fame when she went after the old white guy Joe Biden. Both are educated and well groomed. So we don't see a Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. But what we see are two spoiled rich kids who follow the religion of white socialism. Keep the masses poor, ignorant, and dependent on social programs.
Former President Obama ran on the platform of vote for me or be labled a racist. Many whites did just that. I don't in my lifetime see that ever working again. What say you?