08-30-2019- He finally gets it right. ‘Some of the Lead  Democrat Candidates Have Taken Positions That Will Lose 48 States’

Tim Ryan is my congressman and he's running for President and he's polling about 1%.  He's of Irish-Italian background so I guess he has a lot of relatives.  He has no chance and he's been a worthless congressman.  But he was on Morning Joe and he made sense.

He said what I've been saying (almost ) the past year.  Trump can win over 40 -45 states ( Ryan claims 48 ).  And how does Trump win 40-45 ( according to me ) states and 48 states according to Ryan?  Well let's let Timmy boy tell you.

“I think some of the lead candidates have taken positions that will lose 48 states, and I’m trying to figure out what the two are we’re going to win. I mean, if you’re talking about free health care for undocumented workers, and the average person in some of these states that we have to win are busting their rear end to provide health care for their own families and paying a lot of money for it. I think decriminalizing at the border is a mistake. If you want to come into the country, you’ve got to ring the doorbell and it should be a crime to just try to walk into the United States. I think the single-payer idea of telling people they can’t have their private health insurance, you’re going to go to all these union people in the industrial Midwest and tell them they’ve negotiated away wages to get really good health care, and you’re going to tell them we’re going to take that health care from you because we’ve got a better idea in Washington, DC? I think that’s a mistake.”

In closing, Congressman Ryan doesn't have a prayer of getting nominated, let alone winning.  And if a Democrat does somehow beat President Trump, none of the freebies will become law.  You can take that to the bank.  What say you?

