I remember a cheer from my high school days. Hit them again Hit them again, Harder, Harder. Ever since November 2016 President Trump has pretty much fought a one man war. Sure his base has been behind him but many would back down when the left would make up this crazy white racism claims. Or white privilege. But the media refused to look at hate groups like BLM and SPLC.
We saw illegals vote in greater numbers and issued driver licenses. Driver license in states that have motor voter registration. The left always claimed they supported the workingman. Now the new charge is the working illegal. This must come to an end.
I remember when the majority of Blacks and Latinos joined religious groups in California and voted for marriage being between a man and a women. So what happens? Hate groups show up at peoples homes and work to harass those who supported the marriage law.
We see the Republicans and the DOJ are finally hitting back. The crashing of the secret Nazi- Socialist hearings is hopefully just a start. Senator Graham's Resolution condemning the secret meetings and the DOJ inquiry has become a legal investigation. Search out the whistle blower and reveal his or her identity.
Now we see a MSNBC host ( Rachel Maddow ) who has for the past three years led the charge that the Russians were coming, is upset because her friends may have been the ones who created this phony Russian threat. And the best part is that her friends may go to jail. And she's actually upset that folks who may have created crimes, would be punished. SMH.
In closing, it's time to strike back and strike hard. No violence needed. Just shame the left and their fanatic followers. What say you?